Enterprise APIs are designed for organizations to create and manage challenges, users, and submissions programmatically. Using these APIs you can bring the OneCompiler platform features like Challenges & Studio to your website or application.
User Creation/Sync
Following is the sample cURL request to create new user programmatically
curl --location --request POST 'https://onecompiler.com/api/v1/createUser?access_token=your_access_token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "Peter Griffin",
"email": "[email protected]"
Optional fields:
Field | Description |
externalId | Unique identifier from the external app, typically userId from your app |
picture | URL to an image |
thumbnail | URL to an image, a smaller size if available, ex. 96x96 |
reportProperties | JSON object with additional properties to be shown in the reports |
On successful creation you get a response like below
"_id": "3yhxfe7yu",
"name": "Peter Griffin",
"userId": "petergriffin",
"email": "[email protected]",
"picture": "https://static.onecompiler.com/images/blank-profile.png",
"thumbnail": "https://static.onecompiler.com/images/blank-profile.png",
"hidePicture": true,
"status": "unlisted",
"created": "2022-10-04T11:36:27.105Z",
"api": {
"createdBy": "your_api_id",
"token": "zag5vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx555"
Please capture the api.token
data and store it. You can start using this to make API calls as the above created user.
Signing In a user programmatically
To make a user login automatically for a session. Add the following query parameters to the eligible URL (ex. Embedded challenges)
- apiKey
- userApiToken
Updating User
You can use the same /createUser (above) API to update the user details like name/thumbnail/reportProperties. Make sure you pass all the fields of the user else the existing data will be overwritten.
For example while creating the user if you have passed thumbnail, you need to include the same while updating the user else it will be removed. This API does not update the email field. Please use the /updateEmail API to update the email field.
Update User Email
Following is the sample cURL request to update the email of the user programmatically
curl --location --request POST 'https://onecompiler.com/api/v1/updateUserEmail?access_token=your_access_token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"oldEmail": "[email protected]",
"newEmail": "[email protected]"
Advanced Challenge Options
Property | Description |
Start/ End time | Sets the challenge opening/ closing times for time bounded challenges |
Enable Finish | If enabled, the user can finish the challenge otherwise challenge is open to modify submissions all the time |
User Tracking -> Capture Tab changes | Records the number of times the user switches the tabs, required for Close challenge after x tab switches feature to work |
User Tracking -> Capture user | Capture feed of user photos via camera |
Time Tracking -> Enable Time Tracking | This tracks the amount of time the user spends on each problem also at the complete challenge |
Challenge Time Limit (minutes) | This sets the time limit for the challenge, the user can open the challenge multiple time challenge will be closed on the total time allocated is over |
Disable Copy, Paste | This stops copying/ pasting the code from the editor. Also, disable right click |
Show Instructions on start | This shows an instructions page on Challenge Start. The challenge description is presented in the instructions |
Hide score after problem title | This hides the score (the star symbol) in the problems list |
Hide challenge end time | Hides the challenge end time in the challenge footer |
Show tab change warning | This shows a warning message when the user tries to switch tabs on the Top middle section |
Show report after finish | This enables users to see the report after finishing the challenge |
Close challenge after x tab switches | Challenge closed if users switch the tab more than x times |
Lab Mode | This disables the scoring and submission section (No user login required) |
Show Results in Lab Mode | This works along with Lab Mode and enables the submission section (no user login required) |
Record user session | Records the complete user session, video will be available in the report |
Creating challenges programmatically
Following is the sample cURL shows creating challenges programmatically
curl --location 'https://onecompiler.com/api/v1/challenges/create?access_token=your_access_token' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"challenge": {
"title": "Demo challenge created using API",
"markdown": "Description of the challenge - created using API",
"tags": [
"visibility": "unlisted",
"properties": {
"captureUser": "yes",
"captureTabChanges": "yes",
"startDate": "2024-01-01T18:30:00.000Z",
"endDate": "2029-01-01T14:30:00.000Z",
"enableFinish": "yes",
"enableTimeTracking": "yes",
"timeLimit": 60,
"disableCopyPaste": true,
"showInstructionsOnStart": true,
"shuffleProblemOrder": true,
"hideScoreAfterProblemTitle": true,
"hideChallengeEndTime": true,
"showNextChallengeOnLastProblemOnly": true,
"showTabChangeWarning": true,
"showReportAfterFinish": true,
"maxTabSwitches": 5,
"closeAfterTabSwitches": true,
"enableSessionRecording": true
"problems": [
"title": "Read name and say Hello",
"markdown": "Take the name from STDIN and print Hello <name>",
"properties": {
"problemType": "code",
"score": 5,
"difficultyLevel": "medium",
"options": {
"code": {
"supportedLanguages": null,
"validations": [
"id": 1,
"input": "Peter",
"output": "Hello Peter",
"label": "easy"
"id": 2,
"input": "Lois",
"output": "Hello Lois",
"label": "medium"
"problemCategory": "programmingLanguages",
"ignoreCase": true,
"preloads": "3ygcd9fxd, 3ygcdatnw, 3ygcdcmfr, 3ygcdense",
"complimentaryScore": 0
"title": "Even or Odd",
"markdown": "Read the number as input and print even or odd",
"properties": {
"problemType": "code",
"score": 2,
"difficultyLevel": "easy",
"partialScore": true,
"options": {
"code": {
"supportedLanguages": [
"validations": [
"id": 1,
"input": "6",
"output": "even",
"label": "easy"
"id": 2,
"input": "5",
"output": "odd",
"label": "medium"
"problemCategory": "programmingLanguages",
"ignoreCase": true,
"preloads": "3ygcd9fxd, 3ygcdatnw, 3ygcdcmfr, 3ygcdense",
"complimentaryScore": 1,
"hint1": "First hint",
"hint2": "Second hint",
"hint3": "Third hint",
"scoreDeductionForHints": true,
"timeoutSolution": "This is the complete solution",
"scoreDeductionForSolution": true
Options & their possible values:
Property | Possible Values |
challenge.visibility | public / unlisted / private |
problems.properties.problemType | code / multipleChoice / fillInTheBlank / descriptive |
problems.properties.difficultyLevel | easy / medium / hard |
problems.properties.options.code.problemCategory | programmingLanguages / webLanguages / databases |
problems.properties.options.code.validations.label | easy / medium / hard |
Delete a challenge
Following is the cURL request to delete a challenge. This action is irreversible.
curl --location --request DELETE 'https://onecompiler.com/api/v1/challenges/<challenge_id>?access_token=<your_access_token>' \
Read challenge high level summary
Following GET API call returns the high level summary of the challenge
https://onecompiler.com/api/v1/challenges/stats/summary?access_token=<your_api_token>&challengeIds=<one or more challengeIds (comma separated)>
Response looks like following
"status": "success",
"statsSummary": {
"3w7dby3mt": {
"totalAttempted": 708, // Total number of users attempted the challenge
"currentAttempting": 12, // Number of users currently attempting the challenge
"totalChallengeScore": 20 // Max possible score i.e sum of scores of all problems
Read challenge user level details
Following GET API call returns the user level details of the challenge, it gives the list of users who attempted the challenge and their scores.
It also provides the total score the user got in the challenge.
https://onecompiler.com/api/v1/challenges/stats?access_token=<your_api_token>&challengeIds=<one or more challengeIds (comma separated)>
Response looks like following
"status": "success",
"stats": {
"3w7dby3mt": [
"_id": "3w7dby3mt_3ttkdkdkd",
"score": 10,
"challenge": {
"_id": "3w7dby3mt"
"user": {
"_id": "3ttkdkdkd"
"created": "2023-06-30T12:33:30.985Z",
"updated": "2023-06-30T13:06:26.240Z",
"accessCode": "s51lkpwo7qbb96bokktj3q1xyo5cgqghjsok2x5dgmwdqgjme4v7z8wntxs3xl8nwiyg1sed66hwu78jxl08fiz7cfozdhuz5nbazrkwjn5vel01sopm5becyrhhybdu",
"tabChanges": 6
Note: 'accessCode' is the unique token of the user's submission, you can use this to see or embed the user's submission in your website.
Read a user's submission
Following GET API call returns the user's submission details for a given challenge and user.
If you want to embed the submission in your website, you can use the following URL
Note: 'access_code_of_user_submission' is the access code you get from the 'challenges/stats' API call.
SSO Integration /apis/enterprise/sso
Reports /apis/enterprise/reports
Theme customization /apis/enterprise/theme-customization